A row of Solarpunk semi-detached houses with organic shapes, green roofs, ample wooden terraces and a river flowing along

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Arts of Our Future

Art is a fundamental pillar of the Solarpunk movement, as it encapsulates and portrays its vision and design philosophy through various mediums such as images, literature, architecture, music, and more. This not only resonates with us on a deeply emotional level but also acts as a catalyst to disseminate the Solarpunk message. By encountering a futuristic photograph, watching a movie with Solarpunk elements, or visiting a “green” building, we learn about and connect with the Solarpunk ethos in a profound way.


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Village of earth houses with grass roofs in north European landscape
Discover a variety of architectural concepts resonating with solarpunk principles. From earth houses to vertical gardens, explore the evolution of architecture in line with technological advancements.
Endless mesh of decentralized Solarpunk cities, embedded in greenery & interwoven with waterways
Solarpunk Images Gallery
Creativity and artificial intelligence (AI): See what the Solarpunk future holds in store for us through an eclectic gallery selection of AI based Solarpunk images.
Japanese smiling masks poster with Anime style features and graphics
Solarpunk Movies: Visualizing an Optimistic Future
Lacking a definitive Solarpunk movie, we listed films with Solarpunk elements and called on filmmakers to explore the genre

Learn more about our other Topics

This solarpunkcities.com website targets a global, diverse audience that shares an interest in sustainable living, eco-friendly technologies, and positive visions of the future.

Technology serves as both the catalyst and the backbone of the Solarpunk transformation, harnessing its power for the benefit of humanity and nature…
Health, often overlooked, is an integral aspect of the Solarpunk vision. To truly cultivate a brighter, more optimistic future, we must focus on reducing health issues…
The Energy section will guide you through sustainable energy production methods that go beyond the conventional solar, wind, or hydroelectric power plants…
City Projects
“City Projects” invites you on a journey through cities that have skillfully started to weave Solarpunk principles into their urban fabric…